Real estate professionals must leverage social media but engaging with potential customers via the right social media can be complicated. In addition, making sense of ...
To increase sales productivity, salespersons' interacting with the right prospects is an essential core competency to success. The inability or unwillingness to effectively...
Runners to the starting blocks... Take your mark... Wait for the starter's pistol. A sprinter knows the drill. S/he begins a race so many times in ...
Assessing the developmental needs of a sales organization normally involves measuring behaviors against a set of competencies or performance metrics, in order to pinpoint ...
One of the leading business speakers in the nation and bestselling author, Patrick Henry Hansen, draws insightful conclusions in his novel Sales-Side Negotiation, Negotiation ...
Salespeople have myriad experts within the organization whom they can recruit to create a successful customer engagement. However, in companies in which experts are ...
We all know someone who has enjoyed extraordinary personal or professional success in their life: a classmate from high-school who has become a corporate executive, a ...
A two-sided study of emotional intelligence with agents and clients reveals that only 26% of the pairs operate on the same "emotional wavelength" and 46% of agent-client ...
The sales function has probably the greatest single operating impact on the financial results of business. What business needs is a salesforce driven by productivity ...
In most service businesses customers' perceptions of a corporate brand depend highly on the behavior of frontline staff. Service firms face the challenge of having employees ...
Sales force retention is a critical objective facing managers. The costs of high turnover rates can be substantial and include lost sales, abandoned sales territories and costs ...
Culture influences many aspects of an organization. Unlike the tangible outcome measures that determine profitability, market share, or the value of good will, culture ...
There is a longstanding belief in the service industry that in order to gain loyalty from customers, companies must "delight" them with customer service that goes above and ...
In business organizations, the relationship between marketing and sales personnel is often sub-optimal. Marketers view their sales counterparts as short-term, tactically-focused while ...
There are two different types of sales managers, those that wait and react to a situation after it occurs and those who proactively engage themselves to ensure their sales team ...
Research has often failed to find a relationship between customer satisfaction with salespeople and sales performance. Some research shows that as satisfaction levels ...
What is self-awareness and why is it important? Self-awareness is critical for buyers and sellers because self-focused attention makes people more conscious of their attitudes ...
The sales process is how a sales organization chooses to effectively transform its throughput flow of inputs into outputs. In the case of real estate sales, the process ...
The past decade has witnessed a number of well-publicized ethical misconduct disasters, including accounting fraud at Enron and WorldCom, product liability at Firestone, and ...
As any well-seasoned agent knows, creating a connection with the client is essential. Connections can be made in a variety of ways and usually hinge on some common value ...
How can I achieve higher sales and develop better relationships with my clients? What are some hidden obstacles that are slowing my growth as an agent? In The Optimal ...
Sales management gurus, William T. Brooks and William P. G. Brooks, co-author an insightful novel entitled, Playing Bigger Than You Are: How to Sell Big Accounts Even...
How successful are you at closing sales? In their book, Selling to Zebras, Jeff Koser and Chad Koser use an analogy of a hunt in the African savannah as the key to selling ...
Highly effective personal selling begins and ends with the salesperson's or agent's right attitude. Football Hall of Fame coach, Vince Lombardi, is quoted as saying, "Winning ...
Recent polls suggest that the public continues to hold a dim view of the sales profession and to rate commissioned salespeople as dishonest and unethical (Gallup 2006) ...
What causes most sales professionals sleep loss? "Satisfying my current clients" is frequently close to the top of the list. Yet, while many sales agents focus on current ...
Does insincere flattery actually work? How can understanding the psychology behind flattery allow an agent to maximize his/her ability to attract more clients and close ...
Extensive research has been undertaken to define the relationship between client satisfaction and client retention. Despite the widespread findings that client satisfaction ...
Why do people go into sales? To make money. That’s no secret. It fits the stereotype. But, that doesn’t make it wrong or improper. One of the most common motivators for ...
Agents are often advised, encouraged, and even admonished to gain the trust of the seller, the buyer, or both. This advice is based on a wealth of research that shows ...
Being an agent and having a career involving personal selling is essentially a for-profit business enterprise. Therefore, the basic goal of personal selling is to make money, net ...
Individual agents with whom clients interface are often the most critical vehicle for developing and maintaining high-performing buyer-seller relationships (Palmatier 2008) ...
Marketing professors, Dr. John D. Hansen and Dr. Robert J. Riggle, conducted a cross-sectional study of 206 purchasing agents to evaluate the implications of ethical behavior ...
Approximately one in every six hours of a salesperson's or agent's time is spent dealing with conflict (Bradford and Weitz 2009, p. 35). The difference between losing a client ...
Satisfaction has been identified as a central determinant of client retention, and its effect on client retention has been intensively discussed within the paradigm shift from...
Good salespeople are still hard to find and keep over the long haul. The national turnover rate for real estate agents remains high and many individuals do not survive in the...
In this age of emerging technology, the modern homebuyer holds countless devices to discuss his experiences with other peers. Tools from blogs, videos, consumer websites...
December 2009Dr. Louann Brizendine provides the technical perspective on the obvious physical differences between the minds of men and women in her appropriately titled book...
Sales is a profession in which one must not be a stranger to failure. Being a successful agent depends, in part, upon the ability to respond effectively to failure...
"Relationship Marketing" (RM) refers to a long-term and mutually beneficial arrangement in which both the buyer and seller focus on value enhancement with the goal of...
How can the relationship between the buyer and seller prove to be more efficient? How can both parties benefit in the short-term and long-term from establishing a relationship?
How does the awareness of emotion impact interaction between buyer and seller? In "Perceiving Emotion in the Buyer-Seller Interchange: The Moderated Impact on...
Today's market offers home buyers and sellers an abundance of choices for selecting a real estate agent. In this increasingly competitive environment, communicating...
If you placed the business cards of agents at a real estate conference in a fishbowl, and then put the business cards of the people in the conference room next door in another...
Two and a half thousand years ago the grandfather of modern philosophy set out his thoughts on the science of persuasion...
How does emotional intelligence affect consumer choices? In Emotional Calibration Effects on Consumer Choice published in the Journal of Consumer Research in December 2008...
When we buy something, we're really buying a story. A salesperson's job is to tell a story. For example, last year Americans bought six billion dollars worth of bottled water...
Leads are the lifeblood of any successful real estate agent - there's probably not a single agent with any experience who hasn't heard that in one form or another. Yet most create...
What DISC behavioral characteristics best describe individuals who have an ability to sell? Who has the least confidence in their selling skills? In our latest studies examining...
For the business in which personal selling is an integral component of its strategy for sustainable market success, the three most important words to guide its future...
How does emotion impact the purchase decision? In Consumer Emotional Intelligence: Conceptualization, Measurement, and the Prediction of Consumer Decision Making...
How can referrals affect your business positively? Conversely, what is the significance of the damage they can inflict? Referral reward programs can play a considerable role in...
Is there a way to tell ahead of time how likely a listing is to sell? In The Probability of Sale for Residential Real Estate (Journal of Housing Research) Ken H. Johnson, Justin D...
How do you manage friendship in your business? If the answer is "I don't," then this study may change how you do business. The effects of friendship on business...
Is franchising in the residential real estate brokerage market efficient? What are the impacts on firms by franchising? What are the benefits for firms when franchising?
How do your agency's marketing campaigns influence not just your customers but your agents as well? In Linking Cause-Related Marketing to Sales Force Responses and...
Are you stressed? Are the people you work with stressed? Undoubtedly, we all feel somewhat stressed these days. However, stress is not universally bad...
Housing prices are likely to stop falling by the end of 2009, say nearly three-fourths of economists in a recent survey. In addition, life-cycle issues, such as needing a home...
A national study was conducted to explore the approaches that real estate agents use to influence their clients in face-to-face meetings. Findings revealed the following insights...
Does an agent's behavioral style influence performance? Do groups or offices work better if there is an appropriate mix of individuals with different behavioral styles? What is a...
How do home buyers or sellers decide on an individual agent? We conducted a focus group among recent home buyers and sellers asking just that question...
Are you using your website to its maximum potential? How do you know if your marketing initiatives are really bringing in sales leads? In A Two-Stage Model of the Promotional...
How did you spend your marketing dollars this year? Do you really know how effective they were? In A Three-Stage Model of Integrated Marketing Communications at the...
Is it possible that you could be using web data analysis more extensively? In Current Trends in Web Data Analysis, Arun Sen, Peter A. Dacin, and Christos Pattichis...
Today's consumers are demanding and more sophisticated than ever. They have a world of information at their fingertips - and in a crowded real estate market they know they...
To achieve increased productivity, competitive advantage, and profitability, high value-creating businesses around the world have consistently turned to "lean thinking" for...
Location, location, location - three critical words in real estate! But there are three other words that perhaps are even more important: referrals, referrals, referrals...
Real estate professionals looking for a winning business strategy should take a hint from high performers in sales who responded to a recent national study...
As a way of beginning to understand what really works in the area of lead generation, a survey was created and conducted with a large group of real estate professionals...
The traditional real estate commission structure is under fire. Commissions used to average six or seven percent, but with the escalation in housing prices over the...
Brand equity is a term most of us are familiar with and probably even use from time to time. But, as with many business concepts we may have a less than perfect...