Research Report
June 2013
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"Success depends on building relationships with your customers!" But, do your business customers really want a relationship with you and your company?
With such a potentially large influx of younger sellers entering the workforce, there will inevitably be generational issues to contend with as they attempt to ...
LinkedIn is a powerful networking tool that can help real estate professionals build relationships and prospect for new clients ...
As minorities and immigrants are the fastest growing home-buying segment, real estate professionals must understand and learn how to leverage ...
In sales, retailing, or service businesses, employees' performance during personal encounters is the most influential driver of customer satisfaction ...
Curtis Schroeder, MBA Candidate - Associate Editor, Keller Center Research ReportAchieving extraordinary results and happiness is simple. In fact, each of our personal and professional ambitions should point back to ONE question...
Organizations must not only have the capability to accurately measure performance, but they also must be able to understand how these metrics are managed to drive revenue ...