Forgiveness Research Provides Meaning for Real Estate Industry
JoAnn Tsang

Dr. JoAnn Tsang, author of "Forgiveness in the Context of the Realtor-Client Relationship," featured in the December 2013 issue of the Keller Center Research Report.
The Keller Center for Research published an article on forgiveness in the December 2013 Keller Center Research Report. "Forgiveness in the Context of the Realtor-Client Relationship," by Associate Professor of Psychology, Dr. Jo-Ann Tsang, explains the facets of forgiveness that apply to the realtor-client relationship.
"I had minimal real estate knowledge when [Keller Center Research Report Editor] Dr. Dixon contacted me about writing the article," Tsang said. "However, when I sat down and began to mull it over, I realized how very applicable the context of forgiveness is in a realtor-client relationship."
The article looks at existing studies on forgiveness and explains four key variables that comprise forgiveness. Tsang then expands upon how forgiveness can benefit relationships with real estate clients.
Her research suggests that if clients perceive their realtors to have good intentions, they are more likely to forgive them for mistakes. Another study found that even simple things, such as pleasant music and aromas, can bring about positive mood enhancement, and realtors can use these tools to the benefit of both parties.
"We conducted a study in our lab on the differences between apology and restitution and the effects they have on forgiveness," Tsang said. "We assumed people would be similarly affected by the two, but we found that while apology improved the feeling of forgiveness, restitution motivated participants to behave in a more forgiving manner."
"The Keller Center equips the real estate industry with material that will help them improve their client-engagement processes," Keller Center Research Report, Dr. Andrea Dixon said. "Our goal is to increase knowledge among agents world-wide and provide them with the right insights to improve their business."
About the Keller Center for ResearchThe Keller Center for Research at Baylor University is a trusted source for leading-edge, academic research positioned for the real estate industry. The Center's team of Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Assistants engage with academics and consultants from around the globe to highlight the latest research in the areas of Marketing and Sales, Management, Technology, and Ethics, among others, with implications for today's real estate professionals.
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